I had a Thai Ridgeback when I lived in Phuket, Thailand in 2013-14. His name was Max. He was a real sweetheart, but very strong willed, so not an easy dog to manage. He would come to my home office every day about 3 p.m. and sit and politely tap on the glass French doors, asking me to take some time away from work to play with him. We would go out in the garden and chase around. Max was a guard dog. It was just in his genetic makeup. He alerted me to anything that didn’t seem right, with a suitable growl or bark. In the last 18 months that I lived there, he alerted me to six cobra snakes that came into the garden around the house. He had a special bark for snakes, a much more urgent bark than for anything else. I would come out and get him and put him safely in the house and then go back out with my 6 ft. long ‘Snake Bludgeon’ and dispatch them.The last snake that visited us was more than two meters in length and about 3″ in diameter. Here’s a video of Max pretending to be a big bad guard dog with me. Note his tail is still wagging.