
How Can I Get A Legacy Website For My Family?

When I was growing up, my brothers and I would sneak into the attic and explore all of the interesting, old items up there. There were antique trunks that contained old photos, baby shoes, military medals and other memorabilia. We came to know about our parents’ early lives and their parents through these covert explorations. The trunks were a way of preserving memories of their lives. Times change, but the desire to preserve memories will remain, and new technology offers a new way to pass our values and our legacy down to our children.

Membership will soon be open for a legacy website business concept we call: Trunk in the Attic. We will be building websites similar to The Grampa Zone for members, both with, and without hosting and maintenance.

Website owners will be able to define the essential character of their website, create their own articles, sharing recipes, travelogues, family trees, news articles and informative bits with their family members or their subscribers.

Members will be able to select their own Categories and Tags that define the purpose and scope of their project. Members will be able to select and use certain articles from our library of articles to be used in their own website. Members may also contribute original articles, narrated stories and images of general interest to the central library (for account credit) that others can then utilize in their own Trunk in the Attic website.

There are quite a number of organizations that routinely generate narrow topical content that we partner with in a symbiotic fashion. Depending on the ‘vertical’ nature of a member’s developing legacy website, we can arrange for an expanded, curated collection of content.

Members may select whether or not they want to generate advertising revenues by allowing ads to be displayed on their posts.

This concept is fresh and its structure is still developing. We believe that the development of our children’s ideals is too valuable to be left to friends, classmates, TV and educators, without objective counterbalance. If you feel similarly, then contact us today to discuss your involvement as a crucial part of the founding community. You can contribute to the shaping of a new paradigm for the preservation of generational wisdom and your family culture.

Contact Daniel Voorhees today for more information via phone at +12064076411 or via email at: daniel@thegrampazone.com.