Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. It consists of five major islands and about 30 smaller groups. There are total number of 17,508 islands of which about 6,000 are inhabited.

I visited Indonesia several times while living in SE Asia. Indonesia is predominantly a Muslim country, except for Bali, which enjoys a historical tradition and a mostly stable autonomy as a Buddhist island. It’s primary industry is tourism. In addition to hotels & restaurants, they have thriving centers for production of exquisite wood carvings, stone work and jewelry making.

Upon arrival the first time in Indonesia, I went to the ATM to withdraw funds. I indicated a withdrawal of approximately USD$100, and the machine spit out a bit over one MILLION Indonesian Rupiahs in ten 100,000 IDR notes. I fanned it out and declared ‘I’m a Millionaire!’.

Indonesia is famous for its prized Kopi Luwak coffee.  The coffee is brewed from coffee beans that have been eaten by a local mammal, known as Civit Cats. Civit Cats are not actually cats. They look like a cross between a cat and a raccoon. The partially digested coffee beans are defecated by the civet, collected, dried and sold as a delicacy throughout Asia. Some people will eat anything. No, I could not be encouraged to try it.

I was fortunate to represent the owner of an expedition yacht that did charters in the eastern islands, including Komodo, home to the largest lizards on earth. I took a trip through the islands that was unforgettable. Among the many highlights was an excursion ashore to the island of Flores. Flores was recently the location of the discovery of a ‘Hobbit-like’ skeleton that measures 3′ 7″ (approx. 1.1 meters) in height. Carbon dating of various skeletal remains and artifacts suggest the species existed between 50,000 and 200,000 years ago. Research suggests that it may be a distinctly different species from common man.

Exotic doesn’t begin to describe Indonesia. Bali is highly recommended. I don’t recommend that women go alone though, looking for an Eat, Pray, Love experience. It’s still on the frontier.

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