Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman. He lived from 1452 to 1519. A true Renaissance man and iconic in every respect. Gifted with a curious mind and a brilliant intellect, da Vinci studied the laws of science and nature, which was the subject of much of his work.

There are too many images of his drawings and paintings to include here. A study of the internet will reveal many images and books available that get into considerable depth about his life, talents and amazing creative intellect. Among his significant technological and scientific insights include a parachute, airplane, helicopter and battle tank. His other drawings, paintings and works have influenced countless artists and engineers over the centuries. 

For centuries after his death, thousands of pages from his private journals with notes, drawings, observations and scientific theories have provided considerable insight into his thinking and his staggering genius. Strangely, he was left-handed and often wrote backwards, also known as mirror-writing. See the image of his notes. If you hold a mirror up to the words, they will appear as normal.

Coincidently, the area I live in is dedicated to his memory. The plaza where I live, outside Rome, is called Parco Leonardo. Much respect and tribute is paid to him in Florence, Rome and the Tuscan region where he lived most of his life.